Manage financial risk related to project financing: assessment and monitoring
Project risk matrix, financial model, varied levels of expertise and multiple interested parties, complex financial documentation, high level of technical expertise required for the closing, timeframe constraints, specific tender procedure. We help you make sure that all major financial risks are adequately adressed in the structuring and negotiating stages and do not adversely impact the balance of your contract or your corporate risk profile.
M-squared Finance helps you identify the key financial risks associated with your project financing activities, establish dedicated reporting associated with your project risk matrix and financial model and helps you monitor the interaction with your overall corporate risk position.
Intended mostly for Finance and Investment/Project departments
Adapt risk management framework to PPP/PFI: risk and opportunity analysis
Bank financing, dailly debt, project bond are all financing mechanisms related to your PPP/PFI but do not have the same long-term risk-return profile and do not require the same monitoring over time. We help you to independently perform a risk and opportunity analysis on the different project financing structure options, assess their impact on the overall risk transfer and relevance with regard to your more traditional corporate financing approach.
M-squared Finance guides you through the specificities of your project financing options and helps you secure the internal expertise required to manage the deal post closing.
Intended mostly for Finance&Administration division, Finance and Investment/Project departments